

Zweimal Bronze für die Schweiz an der Nordisch-Baltischen Physik-Olympiade

Petr Ermolaev während der Prüfung. Bild: Johan Runeson

Tobias Riesen am Experiment. Bild: Johan Runeson

An der Nordisch-Baltischen Physik-Olympiade (NBPhO) messen sich jedes Jahr Jugendliche aus Estland, Finnland, Lettland und Schweden. Dieses Jahr fand der Wettbewerb wegen der Coronakrise online statt. Dafür konnten auch Schülerinnen und Schüler aus 8 Gastländern antreten. Ziemlich spontan und ohne Vorbereitung wagten sich 4 Finalisten der Schweizer Physik-Olympiade an die Prüfung am 16. Mai:


  • Leo Thom (Kantonsschule Kreuzlingen, TG)
  • Petr Ermolaev (CEC Emilie-Gourd, GE)
  • Ramon Wick (Kantonsschule Olten, SO)
  • Tobias Riesen (ehem. Gymnasium Burgdorf, BE)


Dennoch sicherten sich Leo Thom und Petr Ermolaev je eine Bronzemedaille. 


Die Wissenschafts-Olympiade fördert Jugendliche, weckt wissenschaftliche Begabungen und Kreativität und beweist: Wissenschaft ist spannend. Neun Olympiaden finden jedes Jahr statt: Workshops, Lager, Prüfungen sowie Wettbewerbe für über 4'000 Talente in Biologie, Chemie, Geographie, Informatik, Mathematik, Philosophie, Physik, Robotik und Wirtschaft. Die Organisatoren sind junge Forschende, Studierende oder Lehrpersonen, die freiwillig viele Stunden und Herzblut in das nationale Programm investieren.


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Further articles


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We know exactly how old the Science Olympiad umbrella association is: this year, it’s turning 20! An anniversary worth celebrating. But when is the universe’s anniversary?

script eating a sandwich


How The Script Once Was Almost Stolen

Once upon a time, there was a script of the Physics Olympiad. It had always been an important part of the Physics Olympiad, it would answer any questions the participants had. Therefore, it was a Writing of Unmatched, Exorbitantly Intoxicating and Brain-Shattering Genius and had to be protected.

[Translate to English:] Group picture at IBM


Results 2nd round 2024

On January 17th, 83 students participated in the second round of the Physics Olympiad. Among other things, they analysed the stability of an egg and learned to apply the method of image charges.


Exoplanets in the classroom

The participants in November's Physics Olympiad camp spent an astronomical evening studying exoplanets. Would you also like to take your students on a trip to space? Here you'll find materials and tips for your classroom.


Exploring the Universe's Stage

In November, the Physics Olympiad camp received a visit from the NCCR PlanetS and the CSH at the University of Bern. Now you can read what the participants experienced! In part two, Jehan Alsawaf teaches us a trick to easily unlock the secrets of gravity in your classroom or home.


The universe in multi-color

In November, the Physics Olympiad camp received a visit from the National Center of Competence in Research PlanetS and the Center for Space and Habitability at the University of Bern. Now you can read what the participants experienced and learn some fascinating facts about planets yourself.



Drei Fragen an Prof. Lesya Shchutska, Physikerin und Bronzemedaillengewinnerin

Am Montag, den 30. Oktober 2023, wurde Prof. Lesya Shchutska mit dem Schweizer Wissenschaftspreis Latsis ausgezeichnet für die Erforschung neuer Teilchen - den schweren Neutrinos.


The physics of a pendulum

A month ago at OlyDay, Physics Olympiad invited visitors to their stand to try a little pendulum experiment from Phybox. Want to redo it at home? Looking for an activity to do in your physics class? Here are the instructions.

Score distribution of the first round 2023/2024


Results of the first round 23/24

This year 922 students took part in the first round of the Physics Olympiad. 156 of them received an invitation to the physics camp and the second round. The threshold for a direct qualification was 11.4 points out of a maximum of 22 points.

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