

Results 2nd round 2024

On January 17th, 83 students participated in the second round of the Physics Olympiad. Among other things, they analysed the stability of an egg and learned to apply the method of image charges.
[Translate to English:] results second round 2024

Score distribution. Image: Physik-Olympiade

[Translate to English:] exams in Lausanne

During the exam in Lausanne. Photo: Bruno Pontecorvo

[Translate to English:] exam in Lausanne

During the exam in Lausanne. Photo: Bruno Pontecorvo

[Translate to English:] exams in Bern

Physics Olympiad T-shirts were distributed at the exams in Berne. Photo: Tim Mosimann

[Translate to English:] exams in Berne

Exam in Berne. Photo: Tim Mosimann

[Translate to English:] tour at IBM

In Zurich there was a visit to IBM after the exams. Photo: Sebastian Käser

[Translate to English:] Group picture at IBM

Group picture during the visit to IBM. Photo: Sebastian Käser

The best 24 participants from Switzerland, as well as three from Liechtenstein, will compete in the final on 8 and 9 March. There they will have the chance to qualify for an international competition. In the meantime, the young physicists will meet at EPFL to prepare for the upcoming exams.

We would like to thank all the students for their participation. If you didn't make it to the final this year, try again next year! In case you can't participate next year anymore and you liked the olympiad, you can also help as volunteer instead. Simply contact us!

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