
Equal opportunities

Women's Weekend of the Physics Olympiad - register now until July 14!

A physics weekend for female students at cantonal schools from 6 - 8 September 2024 in Zurich. No previous knowledge of physics is required and it's free! We will solve challenges, experiment, visit a laboratory and of course have lots of fun.


Experience a weekend full of science at the Women's Weekend of the Physics Olympiad in Zurich.

From Friday 18:00 to Sunday 16:00, exciting experiments and insights into the physics labs at Hönggerberg await you. Take part in interesting challenges and exchange ideas with other women who share your enthusiasm for physics.

Join us and discover the fascinating world of physics! We look forward to seeing YOU!

The weekend is completely free and your arrival and departure will be covered by the Swiss Physics Olympiad.

For any questions don‘t hesitate to write to o.parisi(at)olympiad.ch oder r.stadler(at)olympiad.ch wenden.

Further articles






Gendergerechte Wissenschafts-Olympiaden in Zahlen

Seit 2019 setzen sich die Wissenschafts-Olympiaden aktiv für ausgeglichene Geschlechterverhältnissen unter den Teilnehmenden ein - vor allem in den Fächern Informatik, Robotik, Physik und Mathematik. Wie haben sich die Zahlen in dieser Zeit entwickelt?


Der Jahresbericht 2023/2024

Wir lassen das vergangene Jahr der Wissenschafts-Olympiaden Revue passieren und zeigen, was gelaufen ist: Von der Jubiläumsfeier bis zur Goldmedaille in Robotik und Mathematik, von der Jahresrechnung bis zur Teilnahmestatistik.


Teilnehmende der Ersten Essayrunde treffen sich in Biel

Am vergangenen Samstag fand im Rahmen der Bieler Philosophietage ein Treffen von Teilnehmenden der Ersten Essayrunde der Philosophie-Olympiade 2024/2025 statt - mit internationaler Beteiligung aus der Frankophonie.


This was the Women's Weekend

From September 6 - 8, the Physics Olympiad organized a weekend for interested female students. The program: solving challenges, experimenting, visiting a laboratory and, of course, having lots of fun.


Competition helps to nurture and recognise talent

In the interview on E2, the news portal of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, co-directors Mirjam Sager and Cyrille Boinay explain who the Science Olympiads are and how they have been encouraging bright and talented students for 20 years.




All about math and Mathys

If you walked past Mathys Douma in the street, you probably wouldn't assume you'd just crossed Switzerland’s first gold medalist at the International Mathematical Olympiad in 17 years. Who is this young man with the contagious smile? Volunteer Tanish Patil paints a portrait.