

Results 2nd round 2023

On January 18th, 82 students were fighting for a spot in the final round of the Swiss Physics Olympiad. In a two-part examination, exciting problems in mechanics, thermodynamics and optics had to be solved.

In Lugano. Picture: Antonio Pirozzi


Exam in Lugano. Picture: Rafael Winkler

Exam in Zurich. Picture: Henning Zhang

Snacks in Zurich. Picture: Henning Zhang

In Zurich. Picture: Henning Zhang

In Zurich. Picture: Henning Zhang

Tour in Zurich. Picture: Henning Zhang

Superconducting levitating train. Picture: Henning Zhang

During grading. Picture: Henning Zhang

During grading. Picture: Henning Zhang

Exam in Bern. Picture: Tim Mosimann

Exam in Bern. Picture: Tim Mosimann

The best 28 participants will compete in the final on 18 and 19 March, with the chance of winning both medals and a spot in the Swiss team for the European or International Physics Olympiad. In the meantime, the young physicists are preparing for the upcoming exams in a training camp at the EPFL.

We would like to thank all the students for their participation. If you didn't make it to the final this year, try again next year!

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histogram of the scores


Results of the first round 24/25

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